Monday, August 30, 2010


Well, this semester started off with a bang... again! I found out the night before I started back, at 10 pm, that I was actually supposed to bring a lunch the next day AND the I would be there until 2:30. We knew that we were to be at the State Supported Living Center, but we just knew to be there at 8:30. As if that wasn't enough, we got there and it seemed as if no one had communicated and no one knew what we actually were supposed to be doing. Good grief! 
I have been going there on Monday and Wednesday and have been pretty bored. We are not allowed to interact with the individuals and really we haven't even been able to observe. We did, however, get to sit in on an admit meeting today which was kind of interesting. It was a delight to hear the individual say he was happy and looking forward to living there.
For those of you who aren't familiar with a SSLC, it is a place (like a college campus) where individuals that have mental retardation can live. It is such a joy to see the smiles on their faces! There are things like horseback riding, swimming and workshops where they can work for money. They all really enjoy living there and they feel safe and secure!
Next week we start our rotations in the schools. I'm really excited!!! I could be placed in an elementary, middle or high school. Im really looking forward to it!
Tong is keeping up with his grad school and teaching. They opened up the brand new middle school this year and he is loving it! Here are some pictures of the new classroom... notice the loverly solar system above the cabinets! =D
He said the students are good, just need to be trained! lol Sounds like my hubby!

Other than that we are great! Just relaxing! Hope all is well with everyone! Love to you all!